Tristin K. Green, “Wal-Mart v. Dukes Rewritten,” in Feminist Judgments: Employment Discrimination Opinions Rewritten (Nicole Porter & Ann McGinley eds., forthcoming 2019).


Tristin K. Green, Social Closure Discrimination, Berkeley J. of Emp. & Lab. L. (2018) (with Catherine Albiston).

Vicki Schultz, Open Statement on Sexual Harassment on Behalf of Employment Discrimination Law Scholars, Stanford L. Rev. Online (2018).

Vicki Schultz, Reconceptualizing Sexual Harassment, Again, 128 Yale L.J. F. 22 (2018).


Brian Soucek, Hively's Self-Induced Blindness, 127 Yale L.J. F. 115 (2017).

Brief of Amici Curiae Anti-Discrimination Scholars, Evans v. Georgia Reg’l Hosp., 138 S. Ct. 557 (2017) (No. 17-340), (Brian Soucek organized and co-authored a Supreme Court brief from leading antidiscrimination scholars explaining why sexual orientation discrimination is a form of sex discrimination).


Nicole Buonocore Porter, Accommodating Everyone, 47 Seton Hall L. Rev. 85 (2016).

Tristin K. Green, America Is from Venus, France Is from Mars: Pinups, Policing, and Gender Equality, 20 Employee Rts. & Emp. Pol’y J. 365 (2016).

Tristin K. Green, Discrimination Laundering: The Rise of Organizational Innocence and the Crisis of Equal Opportunity Law (2016).

Susan Bisom-Rapp, Lifetime Disadvantage, Discrimination and the Gendered Workforce (2016) (with Malcolm Sargeant).

Ann C. McGinley, Masculinity at Work: Employment Discrimination Through a Different Lens (2016).

Ann C. McGinley, Oncale v. Sundowner, Inc., 523 U.S. 75 (1998), in Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Opinions of the United States Supreme Court (Kathryn Stanchi, Linda Berger, and Bridget Crawford eds., Cambridge University Press 2016).

Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Rewrite of Meritor v. Vinson, 477 U.S. 57 (1986), in Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Opinions of the United States Supreme Court(Kathryn M. Stanchi, Linda L. Berger & Bridget A. Crawford eds., Cambridge University Press 2016).


Angela Onwuachi-Willig, From Outsider Status to Insider and Outsider Again: Interest Convergence Theory and Normalization of LGBT Politics, 42 Fla. St. U. L. Rev. 521 (2015) (with Alexander Nourafshan).

Vicki Schultz, Taking Sex Discrimination Seriously, 91 Denver U. L. Rev. 995 (2015) (lead article in symposium issue, Revisiting Sex: Gender and Sex Discrimination Fifty Years after the Civil Rights Act).

Rebecca K. Lee, The Future of Workplace Affirmative Action After Fisher, 89 St. John’s L. Rev. 597 (2015) (selected paper for symposium issue on Title VII at 50).


Nicole Buonocore Porter, Caregiver Conundrum Redux: The Entrenchment of Structural Norms, 91 Denv. L. Rev. 963 (2014).

Tristin K. Green, Civil Rights Lemonade: Title VII, Gender, and Working Options for Working Families, 10 Stan. J. Civ. Rts. & Civ. Liberties 191 (2014).

Ann C. McGinley, How Masculinities Distribute Power: The Influence of Ann Scales, 91 Denv. U. L. Rev. 187 (2014) (solicited for symposium) (with Frank Rudy Cooper).

Susan Bisom-Rapp, It’s Complicated: Age, Gender, and Lifetime Discrimination against Working Women – The United States and the U.K. as Examples, 22 Elder L.J. 1 (2014) (lead article, with Malcolm Sargeant).

Ann C. McGinley, Masculinities and Disparate Impacts, in Exploring Masculinities: Feminist Legal Theory Reflections (Martha Albertson Fineman and Michael Thompson eds., 2014).

Nicole Buonocore Porter, Mutual Marginalization: Individuals with Disabilities and Workers with Caregiving Responsibilities, 66 Fla. L. Rev. 1099 (2014).

Brian Soucek, Perceived Homosexuals: Looking Gay Enough for Title VII, 63 Am. U. L. Rev. 715 (2014).

Ann C. McGinley, Reconsidering Legal Regulation of Race, Sex, and Sexual Orientation, 50 Tulsa L. Rev. 341 (2014) (solicited review of four books).

Nicole Buonocore Porter, Women, Unions, and Negotiation, 14 Nevada L. J. 465 (2014).


Ann C. McGinley, Identities Cubed: Perspectives on Multidimensional Masculinities Theory, 13 Nev. L.J. 326 (2013) (with Frank Rudy Cooper) (symposium).

Ann C. McGinley, Introduction: Men, Masculinities, and Law: A Symposium on Multidimensional Masculinities Theory, 13 Nev. L.J. 315 (2013).

Rebecca K. Lee, Judging Judges: Empathy as the Litmus Test for Impartiality, 82 U. Cin. L. Rev. 145 (2013).

Ann C. McGinley, Masculine Law Firms, 8 Fla. Int’l U. L. Rev. 423 (2013) (solicited for symposium).

Ann C. McGinley, Masculinity, Labor, and Sexual Power, 93 Boston U. L. Rev. 795 (2013) (solicited for symposium).

Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Next Generation of Civil Rights Lawyers: Race and Representation in the Age of Identity Performance, 122 Yale L.J. 1484 (2013) (with Anthony Alfieri).

Tristin K. Green, Racial Emotion in the Workplace, 86 S. Cal. L. Rev. 959 (2013).

Nicole Buonocore Porter, The Blame Game: How the Rhetoric of Choice Blames the Achievement Gap on Women, 8 Fla. Int’l U. L. Rev. 447 (2013) (symposium).


Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Do Female “Firsts” Still Matter?: Why They Do for Women of Color, 2012 Mich. St. L. Rev. 1529 (2012) (with Amber Fricke).

Ann C. McGinley, Feminist Legal Theory Meets Masculinities Theory, in Masculinities and the Law: A Multidimensional Approach (Frank Rudy Cooper and Ann C. McGinley eds., New York University Press 2012) (with Nancy E. Dowd and Nancy Levit).

Ann C. McGinley, Masculinities and the Law: A Multidimensional Approach (Frank Rudy Cooper & Ann C. McGinley eds., New York University Press 2012).

Ann C. McGinley, Masculinities, Multidimensionality, and Law: Why They Need One Another, in Masculinities and the Law: A Multidimensional Approach (Frank Rudy Cooper and Ann C. McGinley eds., New York University Press 2012) (with Frank Rudy Cooper).

Ann C. McGinley, Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson, in Readings in Persuasion: Briefs That Changed the World (Linda H. Edwards ed., Wolters Kluwer Law and Business (2012)).

Ann C. McGinley, Reasonable Men, 45 U. Conn. L. Rev. 1 (2012).

Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Silence of the Lambs, in Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia (Grace Chang et al. eds., Utah State Press 2012), reprinted in part in Diversity in Academe, Chronicle of Higher Educ., Nov. 2, 2012, at B28-B29.

Angela Onwuachi-Willig, The Obama Effect: Understanding Emerging Meanings of ‘Obama’ in Anti-Discrimination Law, 87 Ind. L.J. 325 (2012) (invited essay, with Mario Barnes).

Ann C. McGinley, Trouble in Sin City: Protecting Sexy Workers’ Civil Rights, 23 Stanford L. & Pol’y Rev. 253 (2012) (symposium).


Tristin K. Green, The Future of Systemic Disparate Treatment Law, 32 Berkeley J. of Emp. & Lab. L. 397 (2011).

Ann C. McGinley, The New Old Legal Realism, 105 Nw. L. Rev. 689 (2011) (with Tracey George and Mitu Gulati).

Ann C. McGinley, Work, Caregiving and Masculinities, 34 Seattle U. L. Rev. 703 (2011) (symposium on Joan Williams’ book), reprinted in Gender and Equality Law (Julie Goldscheid ed., Ashgate Pub. 2013).


Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Another Hair Piece: Exploring New Strands of Analysis Under Title VII, 98 Georgetown L. J. 1079 (2010).

Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Complimentary and Complementary Discrimination in Faculty Hiring, 87 Wash U. L. Rev. 763 (2010).

Rebecca K. Lee, Core Diversity, 19 Temp. Pol. & Civ. Rts. L. Rev. 477 (2010).

Ann C. McGinley, Erasing Boundaries: Masculinities, Sexual Minorities, and Employment Discrimination, 43 U. Mich. J. Law Reform 1 (2010).

Rachel S. Arnow-Richman, Incentivizing Flexibility: The Relationship Between Public Law and Voluntary Action in Enhancing Work/Family Balance, 42 Conn. L. Rev. 1081 (2010).

Tristin K. Green, Race and Sex in Organizing Work: “Diversity,” Discrimination, and Integration, 59 Emory L. J. 585 (2010).

Ann C. McGinley, Ricci v. DeStefano: A Masculinities Theory Analysis, 33 Harv. J. Law & Gender 581 (2010) (solicited for symposium).

Nicole Buonocore Porter, Synergistic Solutions: An Integrated Approach to Solving the Caregiver Conundrum for “Real” Workers, 39 Stetson L. Rev. 777 (2010).

Nicole Buonocore Porter, Why Care About Caregivers? Using Communitarian Theory to Justify Protection of “Real” Workers, 58 Kansas L. Rev. 355 (2010).


Ann C. McGinley, Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, and Michelle Obama: Performing Gender, Race, and Class on the Campaign Trail, 86 Denv. U. L. Rev. 709 (2009) (symposium), reprinted in Women and the Law (Jane C. Moriarty ed., Thomson West 2009), reprinted in The Gendered Society Reader (Michael Kimmel ed., Oxford Univ. Press 2013).

Ann C. McGinley, Reproducing Gender on Law School Faculties, 2009 BYU L. Rev. 99 (2009).

Vicki Schultz, The Sanitized Workplace Revisited, in Feminist and Queer Legal Theory: Intimate Encounters, Uncomfortable Conversations 65 (Martha Albertson Fineman, Jack E. Jackson & Adam P. Romero eds., Ashgate Pub. 2009).


Ann C. McGinley, Creating Masculine Identities: Bullying and Harassment “Because of Sex, 79 U. Colo. L. Rev. 1151 (2008).

Tristin K. Green & Alexandra Kalev, Discrimination-Reducing Measures at the Relational Level, 59 Hastings L. J. 1435 (2008).

Tristin K. Green, Discomfort at Work: Workplace Assimilation Demands and the Contact Hypothesis, 86 N.C. L Rev. 379 (2008).

Susan Bisom-Rapp, Globalization, Equality and Nondiscrimination: An Interdisciplinary Perspective from the U.S. on Diversity Programming, in Global Labour Market: From Globalization to Flexicurity, 65 Bull. Comp. Lab. Rels. 295 (Roger Blanpain & Michele Tiraboschi eds., 2008).


Susan Bisom-Rapp, A Critical Look at Organizational Responses to and Remedies for Sex Discrimination, in Sex Discrimination in the Workplace: Multidisciplinary Perspectives 273 (Faye J. Crosby, Margaret S. Stockdale & S. Ann Ropp eds., Blackwell 2007) (with Margaret S. Stockdale & Faye J. Crosby).

Ann C. McGinley, Babes and Beefcake: Exclusive Hiring Arrangements and Sexy Dress Codes, 14 Duke J. Gender, L. & Pol’y 257 (2007) (symposium).

Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Girl, Fight!, 22 Berkeley J. Gender L. & Just. 254 (2007) (invited book review, reviewing Megan Seely, Fight Like a Girl: How to Be a Fearless Feminist (2007)).

Ann C. McGinley, Harassing “Girls” at the Hard Rock: Masculinities in Sexualized Environments, 2007 U. Ill. L. Rev. 1229 (2007).

Rachel S. Arnow-Richman, Public Law and Private Process: Toward an Incentivized Organizational Justice Model of Equal Employment Quality for Caregivers, Utah L. Rev. 25. (2007).

Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Volunteer Discrimination, 40 U.C. Davis. L. Rev. 1895 (2007).


Rebecca K. Lee, Assimilation at the Cost of Authenticity, 15 Asian Am. Pol’y Rev. 59 (2006) (book review, reviewing Kenji Yoshino, Covering: The Hidden Assault on Our Civil Rights (2006)).

Ann C. McGinley, Harassment of Sex(y) Workers: Applying Title VII to Sexualized Industries, 18 Yale J. L. & Feminism 65 (2006) (symposium), reprinted in Women and the Law (Jane C. Moriarty ed., Thomson West 2008).

Nicole Buonocore Porter, Re-Defining Superwoman: An Essay on Overcoming the ‘Maternal Wall’ in the Legal Workplace, 13 Duke J. Gen. L. & Pol’y 55 (2006).

Vicki Schultz, The Need for a Reduced Workweek in the United States, in Precarious Work, Women, and the New Economy: The Challenge to Legal Norms 131 (Judith Fudge & Rosemary Owen eds., Hart Pub. 2006) (with Allison Hoffman).

Rebecca K. Lee, The Organization as a Gendered Entity: A Response to Professor Schultz’s ‘The Sanitized Workplace,’ 15 Colum. J. Gender & L. 609 (2006).

Vicki Schultz, Understanding Sexual Harassment Law in Action – What Has Gone Wrong and What We Can Do About It, 29 T. Jefferson L. Rev. 1 (2006) (lead article).


Angela Onwuachi-Willig, By Any Other Name?: On Being “Regarded As” Black, and Why Title VII Should Apply Even if Lakisha and Jamal Are White, 2005 Wis. L. Rev. 1283 (2005) (with Mario Barnes).

Rebecca K. Lee, Pink, White, and Blue: Class Assumptions in the Judicial Interpretations of Title VII Hostile Environment Sex Harassment, 70 Brook. L. Rev. 677 (2005).

Tristin K. Green, Work Culture and Discrimination, 93 Cal. L. Rev. 623 (2005).


Susan Bisom-Rapp, Coming to Terms with Zero Tolerance Sexual Harassment Policies, 4 J. Forensic Psychol. Prac. 65 (2004) (with Margaret S. Stockdale, Maureen O’Connor & Barbara A. Gutek).

Ann C. McGinley, Masculinities at Work, 83 Ore. L. Rev. 359 (2004).


Rachel S. Arnow-Richman, Accommodation Subverted: The Future of Work/Family Initiatives in a ‘Me, Inc.’ World, 12 Texas J. Wom. & L. 345 (2003).

Vicki Schultz, The Sanitized Workplace, 112 Yale L.J. 2061 (2003).


Susan Bisom-Rapp, An Ounce of Prevention is a Poor Substitute for a Pound of Cure: Confronting the Developing Jurisprudence of Education and Prevention in Employment Discrimination Law, 22 Berkeley J. Emp. & Lab. L. 1 (2001) (lead article).

Susan Bisom-Rapp, Fixing Watches with Sledgehammers: The Questionable Embrace of Employee Sexual Harassment Training by the Legal Profession, 24 U. Ark. Little Rock L. Rev. 147 (2001) (symposium article).

Vicki Schultz, Sexual Harassment: Legal Perspectives, in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences 13982 (Paul B. Bates & Neil J. Smelser eds., Elsevier Pub. Ltd. 2001) (with Eileen Goldsmith).

Vicki Schultz, Talking About Harassment, 9 J.L. & Pol’y 417 (2001).


Vicki Schultz, Life’s Work, 100 Colum. L. Rev. 1881 (2000).

Nicole Buonocore Porter, Marital Status Discrimination: A Proposal for Title VII Protection, 46 Wayne L. Rev. 1 (2000).


Susan Bisom-Rapp, Bulletproofing the Workplace: Symbol and Substance in Employment Discrimination Law Practice, 26 Fla. St. U.L. Rev. 959 (1999).

Susan Bisom-Rapp, Discerning Form from Substance: Understanding Employer Litigation Prevention Strategies, 3 Emp. Rts. & Emp. Pol'y J. 1 (1999) (lead article).

Vicki Schultz, Reconceptualizing Sexual Harassment, 107 Yale L.J. 1683 (1998).

Vicki Schultz, Sex is the Least of It: Let’s Refocus Harassment Law on Work, Not Sex, The Nation 11 (May 25, 1998).

Vicki Schultz, Telling Stories About Women and Work: Judicial Interpretations of Sex Segregation in the Workplace in Title VII Cases Raising the Lack of Interest Argument, 103 Harvard L. Rev. 1749 (1990).